Geotechnical & Survey Consulting
Partnering with highly reputable companies, we facilitate various geotechnical and surveying services on our projects as well as on projects that we have limited planning and design involvement.
Geotechnical Investigations
Soils Analysis
Percolation Testing
Engineer of Record (EOR) Inspection
FHA and VA Foundation Inspection
Topographical Surveying
Utility Infrastructure Surveying
Record Boundary Surveying
Survey Mapping
Easement Documents
3-Demonsional Mapping
Construction Staking
Construction Inspection, Testing,
and observation

Bighorn Consulting collaborates with several geotechnical and surveying companies throughout Northern Nevada on behalf of our respective clients and other owners on a variety of projects including commercial, retail, industrial, agricultural, equestrian, aviation, food processing, utility infrastructure, transportation, tribal, and residential.

We facilitate these services to maintain the strength and professionalism of the entire consulting team as well as to prevent our clients from having to worry about or consume themselves with finding, managing, and trusting the variety of geotechnical and surveying services that are required at some stage in any type of project.